
We’re Alive!

 It’s been some time until we’ve had access to internet, so we’ve been unable to update. We’ve had a couple of teams come through Las Lomitas since we last updated. One, a group of three, from Apex, was working on a rainwater collection cistern for the church. The 1000 gallons of water from this catchment system will be used to supplement the community during shortages in the inconsistent water supply in town. The hope is that one day we’ll have the opportunity to purify this water and use it as a source of safe water for the community until the day that a purified water system can be installed. These guys worked hard through the week and along with some guys from town, finished the vast majority of the project. Chessi, Timoteo, and Sheff will be remembered for some time in these parts, not least of all by Mula. Thanks for your hard work guys. We’ll get pictures up here soon once we’re finished.

 A second group from Cherry Hills community church, came through and worked on pilas in the community, in addition to continuing work on the cistern, and doing some activities with the kids. Thank you Cherry Hills for your continuing support of Las Lomitas. Sorry about the unseasonable rain, so much for the dry season.

On a somewhat sadder note, we had to rather abruptly say goodbye to our faithful dog, Echo. We were just getting ready for dinner with the Apex guys when he started to yelp outside. We ran outside to check on him just as he started into a seizure. However, within 30 seconds, it was all over. Since he had been tied up close to the house for a couple of days, we thought it might be prudent to check for dangerous animals that may have bitten him. Sure enough, on the inside of his box was a small scorpion with red claws. It seems a little difficult to believe that such a small thing could kill a dog as big and strong as Echo so quickly, but it appears the most likely scenario. I guess the little one’s really are the more dangerous.  It certainly gives me one more reason to hate them. 
Adios Echo.
Echo died on Sat. 3/16.  Since he was not just a great dog and faithful friend to us, but our security system and protection, even though it was too soon, Kaleb surprised Stacey with a new puppy on Sat. 3/23.  We have finally named her “Canela” (Cinnamon) after days of trying to decide on a name.
Hola Canela
We’ve also acquired a couple more animals, but we’ll wait until we have more time in order to introduce them.  There’s much more going on, and we’ll be updating as we get the chance. Thanks so much for your support.

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