
Theological (Philosophical?) Thought 2 of 3

In sharp contrast to the Black/White, the Grey lives a life of beautiful freedom. To the true Grey, nothing is off-limits. Morality exists on a continuum of a little bad to a little good. Free of absolutes, the Grey finds himself in a life determined by situation and circumstance. Using his liberty, he lives from one moment to the next, evaluating the “best” outcome using the information available at the time. 

However, this is not to say that the Grey operates without morals. Although most Greys will strongly state their belief that there is no such thing as absolute good or evil, the way they lead their lives and the way they feel typically indicates otherwise. Greys often possess a strong, personal, inner sense of what right and wrong mean to them. Although typically unwilling to impose it on others, the control that this sense exerts on their personal actions is surprisingly intense and often a substantially stronger drive than what controls the average Black/White. There are exceptions to this, and some of the Strongest Greys possess the ability to abandon the idea of good and evil in favor of a life free of any restriction. The majority of these Strong Greys seem to demonstrate a unique lifestyle of hedonistic humanitarianism. Recognizing the pleasure that accompanies the improvement of other’s lives in addition to pleasure sought in more personal ways, these Strong Greys live a life filled with personal pursuits intermingled with incredible displays of generosity. Engaging, thoughtful, and self-assured, these Strong Greys rule social circles, shirk social convention, and confuse the world’s wealthy and powerful.

However, as in the case of the Strong Black/White, these “Strong Greys” are a very small minority in the larger world of the Greys. The average Grey finds himself much less confident and much more inwardly challenged by the contrast of their words and sense of morality against the feelings of right and wrong that plague their actual decision-making processes. Day to day, they try desperately to become a stronger Grey and abandon these inklings of absolutes that torment their private thoughts. Sometimes in an attempt to leave these feelings behind, they thrust themselves into a sincere hunt for pleasure, hoping that their actions may influence their feelings. However, those Weak Greys that survive this experience typically find themselves more assured of the existence of Truth than when they entered this time of testing. 

Over time, Weak Greys begin to identify with their ideological enemy, the Weak Black/White. Spiting the Black/White for his hypocrisy and imposition of morals, the Grey begins to recognize the dissonance and hypocrisy within his own soul. Desperately trying to ignore right and wrong, but becoming more and more assured of its existence, the Grey falls into a deep moral silence. Unwilling to reconcile his ideals with the great underlying pressure of Truth, the Grey slowly kills his soul, forcing it to lay quiet as he slowly smothers it with intellect, physical pleasure, laughter, and the sweet bliss of perceived freedom. Thinking himself free from his obligation to acknowledge God and morality, and finally assured in his ability to think morality out of existence, the Grey settles into a life of peaceful apathy. However, history has taught us that the Grey is a very poor killer. He fails to recognize that on that fateful day when he murdered his soul, it only slipped into a long coma, waiting for the Grey’s death to approach. Hearing the footsteps of human fate, the soul awakens and creeps back to the Grey, preparing for the final desperate struggle for the heart and mind.

And so it is that the Grey is never truly free. Despite a life free of moral obligation, the Grey lives a life haunted by their own souls. Although there are moments when he seems to have slipped out of its grasp, the awareness of the persistent stalking never allows for true liberty. Until the Grey realizes the need to face the soul and Truth it presents, peace will remain elusive.

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