
Time in the States

We’ve spent 2 weeks with each side of our family with a stop in the middle to get to know our 17 mo. old niece.  Thanksgiving was with the Eldridge’s and Christmas with the Reeder’s. We’ll finish up our time visiting in the Dayton, OH area where we lived before moving to Honduras.  After all this craze we’ll head back to our little home in Honduras to finally rest on Jan 4th.  It was great to see many of you and catch up on your lives.  We hope you all had a Merry Christmas and are getting ready for what God would have you do for His glory in this New Year.  What will your 2013 look like?  We’d encourage you to make your New Years resolutions HIS and not your own.  Being back here in the States we’ve been overwhelmed by selfishness.  We first pray for ourselves to not conform and then for all of you to not join our digressing US society in their habits of complaining and self-centeredness.  That we could all learn to always put our brothers and neighbors before ourselves. You can be in prayer for our ministry in 2013; that God would give us time when we get home to Honduras to rest, relax, seek Him, and renew our vision and goals.

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